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Quote of the day

Nothing is inherently and invincibly young except spirit. And spirit can enter a human being perhaps better in the quiet of old age and dwell there more undisturbed than in the turmoil of adventure. – Philosopher and writer George Santayana
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An individualist you say.

This morning I tweeted a quote by Henry Thoreau, "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." It piqued my interest, so I set out to determine what the renowned author believed to be the root of all evil. I found a good description of his quote on the quora website. After reading that analysis I found myself searching for information related to his political leanings, which led me to this Wall Street Journal article . Perhaps you'll find those items as interesting as I have.
Due to the fact that RHEL/CentOS server software lags so far behind, today I converted one of my servers to an Ubuntu server. I almost regret installing from their live server image as opposed to their live workstation image. The basic install went well I thought all text based. But upon first boot I couldn't login. Thankfully google showed me how to boot into init 2, mode and after several tries to the key sequence right to get the grub menu I booted and discovered the admin user i specified was never created. After fixing that, rebooting and logging in as new user with admin, i discovered networking was not configured. After googling manual ubuntu network configure, I discover that bionic uses a new network configuring system called netplan. Anyway, the server is now networked and currently updating all the packages. Hopefully I will have it all up and running before my new ASUS Tinkerboard arrives today.

How nice

Two little old ladies in the South were sitting on the porch sipping mint juleps one day. Betty Lou had come to visit Mary Jean for lunch at her beautiful country estate. Mary Jean said to Betty Lou, "Oh Betty Lou, I'm just so pleased with mah adorin husbind - he went and bought us this beaaauuutiful big house with such a wonderful big garden out in the front. Isn't it nice?" Betty Lou said, "Mmmm, that's nice." Mary Jean continued, "And did you see that beauuuuutiful new Cadillac out there in the driveway on your way up to the house? Mah husbind done bought that big shiny car just for me - isn't that nice?" Betty Lou said, "Mmmm, that's nice." "And, and - did you see this beauuuutiful diamond necklace and these matchin goldin earrings mah husbind bought me? Aren't they nice?" Betty Lou said, "Mmmm, that's nice." Then Mary Jean pressed, "Now, all that's enough about me - how...

Weathering the Storm

I have been teasing my wife the past 24 hours, calling her a "hurricane magnet". As I ponder my past though, I seem to be the "her-i-cane" magnet, while she is really a "him-i-cane" magnet. Although I barely remember it, I do remember my family evacuating Lumbertin, TX, to avoid the worst of hurricane Carla in 1961. The eye of hurricane Alicia passed right over my home in the Houston, TX suburbs in 1983. Before leaving the Houston metropolitan area I also experienced a Harvey like storm in 1995 named Allison , by the time it arrived in the Houston area it was more of a tropical storm that lingered and caused significant flooding. With the exception of several significant typhoons, whose names I either never knew, or more probably have forgotten, while on a U.S. Navy destroyer in the South Pacific during the early 1970's, the storms I mentioned were all before moving to the Phoenix metropolitan area, where aside from 120 degree summers and a few Ha...